

Tiger At Work
Versi 3.5.3
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5.83 MB
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Take care of your privacy online by using VPN services!

Do you think you are safe and secure online? We guess not! Everything you do online, every click, every website that you visit is recorded and is later used to offer personalized advertising.
Not only this, various times your personal information is stolen, you are banned from using certain websites, and your identity is kept at stake.
Thankfully, you can get over this cyber censorship and deal with malicious attacks using VPN services. TigerVPN is an efficient VPN which provides you full control over your privacy online and keeps all your data safe and secure.
It uses encrypted tunnels for transferring your information, thereby hiding your IP address details from the prying eyes.
Do not let others dictate the online browsing rules. Stay safe, stay secure. Use TigerVPN!
• Ease of use: It can be easily set up and used by techies and non-techies alike. The VPN provides a very straightforward user interface where one click is all that is required, and you are good to go.
• Privacy and security: TigerVPN makes use of the latest high-end protocols and encryption methods. It also uses a meshed IP address system to provide you much better anonymity.
• Compatibility: TigerVPN is compatible with all major platforms such as iOS, Android, Mac, and windows.
• Servers: TigerVPN has several servers distributed across the globe and has a robust infrastructure, thereby ensuring the best performance.
• Experience: They have been in this field for about eight years now and have a loyal customer base.
TigerVPN is an efficient VPN service you can rely upon. With 300 servers in 43 countries, this VPN is one of the most reliable services in the market today.
Is your Internet Service Provider limiting your upload and download speed when a certain threshold is reached? TigerVPN can help you surpass these restrictions while also providing the optimum speeds.
Not only this, but the VPN also allows you to unlock restrictions related to your geographic area, thus helping you in unmasking the blocked websites on the go. This way you are no longer required to think twice before watching online content, uploading pictures and videos and downloading movies.
Talking about privacy and security, TigerVPN makes sure that none of your information is leaked anywhere. They use 256-bit encryption which is the most robust encryption available today that nobody can crack. Additionally, to deliver the best online experience, they operate their own DNS servers, and network, thereby significantly reducing the access times.
One feature that makes TigerVPN stand out is the fact that they donate 2% of their revenue to the NGO. Thus, if you are looking for a VPN server with a good cause, TigerVPN is the best choice.
Using TigerVPN is relatively easy as well. All you need to do is download and install the client, click on the Connect button, and you are done! You can use the VPN on a range of devices including Android, iOS, Linux, and Android. However, you only get to connect 2 devices at a time with their basic plan. You can connect a maximum of 5 devices with other plans by paying extra.
If you intend to use VPN for torrenting and to access online video streaming websites, TigerVPN is the best fit.
Overall, it can be concluded that TigerVPN provides satisfactory services and is worth a try. Get back the lost control over online privacy with TigerVPN!
Servers and Speed
Countries: 43
Server count: 300+
Speed: 12.29 Mbps download speed and 2.85 Mbps upload speed
Does it work in China?
Does it worth with Netflix?

Tiger At Work
Versi 3.5.3
Versi lengkap
Ukuran File
5.83 MB
keamanan terjamin

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